Degree Level: Master Degree; Doctoral Degree
(II)Programs &Study Mode&Teaching Language
Study Mode: Full-time
Teaching Language: Chinese
(III)Applicant Eligibility
1.Non-Chinese citizens who are in good health and have valid passports;
2.Degree and age requirements:
(1)Applicants for Master Degree studies are required with a Bachelor's Degree, providing related transcript and under the age of 35;
(2)Application for Doctoral Degree studies are required with a Master's Degree,providing the related transcript and under the age of 40;
3. 非其他奖学金获得者
3.Applicants must not accept other scholarships;
4. 未同时申请中国境内其他高校
4.Applicants are not permitted to submit applications to other Chinese universities while applying for NWNU.
(IV)Details of Scholarship
(Ⅴ)Application deadline: 15thMarch,2025
(Ⅵ)Application Procedures&Materials Required
网址: www.campuschina.org
1.Register and apply online at www.campuschina.org
(Program category:B; Agency code:10736)
2.Fill in the online application and print Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship, prepare the materials according to the requirements and order of the “Application Materials” list:
(1)Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (Download at www.campuschina.org);
(2)Scanned copy of valid passport. Blurry or incomplete material is not accepted;
(3)经双认证(申请者所在国公证部门公证并在中国驻申请者所在国大使馆认证)的最高学历证明扫描件 (中文或英文)
(3)Scanned copy of applicant's diploma and certificate both with notarized version and verified version by the Chinese Embassy in your country (the documents in other languages must be attached with notarized translation in Chinese or English);
(4)经双认证(申请者所在国公证部门公证并在中国驻申请者所在国大使馆认证)的成绩单扫描件 (中文或英文)【注:攻读硕士学位者,须提交大学本科阶段全部成绩单;攻读博士学位者,须提交硕士阶段全部成绩单】
(4)Scanned copy of applicant's transcript both with notarized version and verified version by the Chinese Embassy in your country(the documents in other languages must be attached with notarized translation in Chinese or English); Bachelor degree applicants should provide all high school transcript; Master degree applicants should provide all transcript in your undergraduate study; Doctoral degree applicants should provide all transcript in your postgraduate study;
(5)经双认证(申请者所在国公证部门公证并在中国驻申请者所在国大使馆认证)的无犯罪记录证明(在申请者所在国公安部门或警署办理)扫描件 (中文或英文)
(5)Scanned copy of Non-criminal certificate both with notarized version and verified version by the Chinese Embassy in your country (the documents in other languages must be attached with notarized translation in Chinese or English);
(6)Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English by different professors or associate professors in related educational institute;
(7)Personal statement. Must include self-introduction, education background and study plan in Chinese or English.(No less than 800 words);
(8)Proof of having excellent academic performance and/or research potential(the published paper or awads certificate);
(9)Proof of engaging in activities.
(10)Language qualification certificates.Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must submit valid HSK reports in accordance with the corresponding Chinese proficiency requirements.Applicants for other language-taught programs shall provide relevant language proficiency certificates according to the universities’ requirements,like IELTS or TOFEL report;
(11)A photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy shall be kept by the applicant). The form is designed by the Chinese quarantine authority and can be obtained from the dispatching authority. The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take a physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months.
(12)Example of art. To apply for majors related to art or design, applicants could submit their own works through “Example of Art/Other Supporting Documents”in the system. Applicants could also provide such materials to the applied universities directly in other ways;
(13)Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China.
3.Send all the required materials to the college of International Cultural Exchange, NWNU.Unclear or incomplete materials are not accepted.
4.Chinese language requirements
Several majors in our university require HSK 4+
(Ⅶ) Admission&Enrollment
1.According to the application materials, we will adopt merit-based enrollment.We will send you the Admission Letter about one month later after the notification from the China Scholarship Council. Please be sure to provide available contact information.
2.Before application,new academic year starts at late August or early September.The specific date will be based on your admitted letter. Students who have been admitted should come to the student affairs office of College of International Cultural Exchange, NWNU to register on time. Those who fail to register during the specific enrollment time will be disqualified from enrollment.